You be the influencer of your story !

Heart and mind never tend to agree on anything common but doesn’t forget to be there for each other to keep us alive and conscious. How would you feel if some thing apart from your body, mind and soul drives your life? Yes ! that would break you from inside and it hard to accept it. If you differ from my thoughts please keep me posted on the comment section.

Every human on earth deserve to live their life the way they wanted it, but in the name of emotions and hard bonds there are few influencers who stick to the pad with a bright ink on the feather to paint certain pages of our life. Usually those are our parents, friends and siblings steals the show with their highlighting advices but there are few exceptions with some cost involved. Price we pay to those influencers is our very own precious life !

Being born in a Indian family every parent wants to maintain harmony under the roof with no hasty decisions or wrong moves which can result in an unmatchable loss with in the family, so they keep a watch on all the moves which their kids take no matter how old they grow, most of the parents are genuine but again there are exceptions who influence their own kids the way they wanted things to happen. Such influencers are mostly worried about their own wellbeing and wont worry about the happiness of their kids, Kids doesn’t have any other option other than emotionally handcuffed to their parents and lead a life directed by their greedy parents.

Few do not realize how bad the consequences are on the kids due to these emotional influences, once they realize its too late and there is no looking back. If you are one of those parents who influence/use your kids for your own benefits, then its high time you give it a second thought. Also if you are one of those victims who are being influenced by a greedy parent its high time to get back on track with least impact to them, end of the day they are your parents cant really leave them behind.

Live & Let Others Live !

Ganesh G

Never thought I would taste this fruit !

Positive minds do approach things on a brighter note but that’s an advice one could easily make for those going through the suffering and pain. When I’m being pushed to a state where too many arrows from almost every direction made things worse, When this happens either gain the potential to defend all of them or let those stabbing over rule you and push you to deepest of deepest thoughts “Depression

Have never imagined myself at the verge of depression, by nature I do look into criticisms and challenges in life as a mile stone of progress but the day when I lost the balance the entire cart stumbled. Left with no option either to recover or leave out the last breath defending it !

This life is to make things easy and light for yourself and others around you, why to complicate it and disturb the harmony in yourself. Every time when I get to know that someone is depressed, I do extend my arms to help the situation or to stand by them when they need the most, trust me not even a million dollars can match this !

Live life to the fullest, I’m battling though the toughest phase with a smile on my face 🙂

Cheers, Ganesh G

Women in the Darkest Shadows

Beautiful, Gorgeous, Cute, Glamorous, Pretty are the cliches to describe a woman. Out of the odds this era never failed to surprise us with their “Breaking news” on the bulletins, “9 year old kid is brutally raped to death”. Other side of the story says the rapist should be brutally punished, but we still keep our eyes and ears shut, ofcourse our brains are lost several years ago.

Why aren’t we understanding why are these happening especially to the kids?

Break the box and spit out the reality, smell of the new world is already out. Beat the shit out of the demon inside you ! Wait.. did I say Demon? Well I meant the men who DEfenestrated women for their lust. Now that the kids are also part of their urge. Too many philosophical (Meaningless) news hours discussions happens almost every day on different issues. But the outcome is just that few extra decibels penetrating inside your ear drums, even the ear wax is untouched !

Questions which are unanswered everytime when such things happen,

  1. Does the kid have proper parenting ?
  2. Was she going through any stress/depression ?
  3. Any abnormalities seen in her activities before ?

If the 1st question is answered, then that solves this complex puzzle.

Good parenting is not only to protect your children,
Good parenting is to teach your daughter the good & bad in the society and educate her on things which can help them protect themselves when they are out in this society.
Good parenting is to teach your son that,
“it’s your responsibility to make this place secured for women, if it’s not safe for other women out there then even your own sister is vulnerable to threats”
Good parenting is our way of living, let’s not go read about how to take care of our kids coz it’s indeed a part and parcel of human or any living thing on this planet to protect its children.

Good parenting is to teach your sons & daughters about “good touch” & “bad touch”

Do we burn the entire farm if one paddy crop is infected, either we tend to treat it for its infection or just pluck out the infected plan n take care of the rest with utmost caution. Same way, not all men have these infectious and inhuman thoughts, just the few hand full of morons who dwell into the society and make their hands dirty under the woods.

Thoughts poured in out of frustration on the society where a 9 year old lost her dreams and left her last breath !

Ganyboy Writes

Relationship redefiened !

Relationships these days are too fast, knowing each other happens with a blink of an eye. Quite interesting fact is that as per a recent research on the average % of long lasting relationships, its shocking to find that only 25% of them are true and successful. 75% fail, that’s because they actually don’t own each other and never connect emotionally for a longer period of time. Everything stays temporary, so does the relationships. Also relationships makes a great pair with success, people started gauging a person based on how successful he or she is. When someone turns out to be unsuccessful, that’s where the value of their words goes drastically down, of course the importance given to them is directly proportional.

Beautiful relationships do exist in this mighty world, they are vast in numbers. But its very rarely showcased. Personally being an unsuccessful person I had to go through a lot of these, but these made me really strong mentally and I’m up for anything in life be it a tsunami or a tornado.

I still love my people who threw me away just coz I’m not successful, because they never pretended to me good. Instead they put it directly on me which is a quality most of them lacks. Let them be happy with whom they are comfortable with, I hope to find a spot close by them very soon after being successful.




Every little gesture has a reason behind it, even I got a solid reason to publish my own personal blog all of a sudden. As we get to meet a lot of new faces day in and day out, but the beauty of life is realized the day when one among those new faces transforms into a face which can never get rid of our sight and we keep remembering that face every single day of our existence and we call them “Friends”. Friends do play a vital role in our lives, at one point they will be the influential factor in most of the decisions which we make in our career/personal life. We get to share anything and everything with them and never regret to even express our anxiety, happiness, dirty thoughts, sorrows and “n” number of things which we cannot share with our parents & siblings. Friends are really important for one to stay alive and walk through our problems with a smile. We tend to learn from our mistakes, but with friends the possibilities are quite too high and we accept the consequences like a piece of cake.

Right from the school till now at work, I have my own set of friends. Over the years so many things changes around us and it includes people around us as well, Being a notorious kid in town I had full freedom to mess with anyone who dares to start a conversation with me. Years passed and this notorious kid transformed into a serious adult with loads of commitments, every day’s battle in life shaped me to a matured and sensible person. In spite of all these battles & struggles I grabbed all the possible opportunities to stay in constant touch with my friends and every single one of them are precious to me. Stars don’t lose their shine unless they are covered by the clouds, same way those who I trusted the most gave up on me and I am no more their priority. Of course they are busy with their own priorities now.

I thank every single one of them from the bottom of my heart for having me here to come up with my very own blog to share my real life experiences.

I was once criticized for wearing my heart on my sleeves and I don’t see anything wrong in doing so and I will continue doing them through my blogs as my go to people got themselves hooked up to their own priorities. Saga begins here and looking forward to pen down my thoughts and views through this blog !

Let’s make this world beautiful, Don’t forget to smile.



First Step


Every time a fresh beginning needs a clean and a tidy brain which should only have the aggression and enthusiasm, instead what we normally do is dump ourselves with hell lot of questions which in turn becomes the fuel to burn one’s interest and stands as an obstacle.

Those obstacles will in turn become your full time problem whenever you tend to start it, believe me it’s easy to say this but I’m personally affected with this and have several self-deployed obstacles which still threatens me day in and day out.

My dad usually says this to me,

“The day when you realize that there is no way out and the only way out is to break those barriers; that’s the day you either completely come out of it or you will be ready to face anything and everything in life ”

I use to think that this is something which a parent usually says to encourage their kids, of course that’s the reality too … There will be a time in one’s life when they get a million-dollar question hitting them badly “why didn’t I try it?? If I would have done that earlier my life would have been much sophisticated”. Never let your past decide your future, which means regrets has nothing to do with your future instead start realizing how much it means to you.

let’s have a fresh beginning and take the first step for whatever you were planning for ages with no sign of its existence.

Even if its proposing a girl better don’t wait just take the first step, let your future decide whether if it’s a kiss or a slap which your cheeks deserve.
