Relationship redefiened !

Relationships these days are too fast, knowing each other happens with a blink of an eye. Quite interesting fact is that as per a recent research on the average % of long lasting relationships, its shocking to find that only 25% of them are true and successful. 75% fail, that’s because they actually don’t own each other and never connect emotionally for a longer period of time. Everything stays temporary, so does the relationships. Also relationships makes a great pair with success, people started gauging a person based on how successful he or she is. When someone turns out to be unsuccessful, that’s where the value of their words goes drastically down, of course the importance given to them is directly proportional.

Beautiful relationships do exist in this mighty world, they are vast in numbers. But its very rarely showcased. Personally being an unsuccessful person I had to go through a lot of these, but these made me really strong mentally and I’m up for anything in life be it a tsunami or a tornado.

I still love my people who threw me away just coz I’m not successful, because they never pretended to me good. Instead they put it directly on me which is a quality most of them lacks. Let them be happy with whom they are comfortable with, I hope to find a spot close by them very soon after being successful.



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